We’ve all played those games where we had to draw something, and people had to guess what it was, right? How many times did we get stuck, unable to get our point across, or had no idea how to draw the word? Or the opposite happens when you play with people you know really well. You're on the same wavelength and know how each other thinks, so you can guess each other’s drawings right away. I bring back these (hopefully good) flashbacks to lead into how the concept of representation is a well-integrated and vital part of our culture as human beings. As we can see from the example of the game, representations are expressions of physical, tangible things and can be illustrated in forms such as drawings.
However, representation wouldn’t be meaningful without context. Meredith Davis demonstrates this in her book, Graphic Design Theory, when discussing signs. Signs are relative and based on cultures or regions. We have signs or symbols used around the world that are the same yet represent significantly different ideas, concepts, or things in diverse regions. Conversely, the same concept or idea can be present in various parts of the world yet represented in considerably different ways, all because of context.

For example, look at the Red Cross organization. Many recognize it by a red cross. However, in other parts of the world, such as Arab countries, the ‘cross’ would be received in a religious context and seen as a representation of Christianity, not as an organization providing relief to people in war or natural disaster zones. So, they use the shape of the crescent to represent the Red Cross organization in these regions.
In conclusion, representation is incomplete without context. It is not just a relationship between the maker and the 'sign' but rather between the maker and the audience.

Graphic Design Theory, by Meredith Davis