As designers today, it’s our responsibility to ensure that what we produce is not solely based on aesthetic choices. Instead, our communication should stem from informed and measured decisions. This approach establishes a clear and strong concept that genuinely aims to creatively solve the problem.
One effective way to achieve this is by using formative and summative research tactics. Formative research explores ways to gather insights into a specific area of focus, helping to determine or define a question. It aids in problem identification and problem-solving. We encounter this type of research when participating in or conducting surveys, questionnaires, or prototype testing.
Summative research, also known as conclusive research, evaluates whether the predicted solution was accurate or flawed. This research is also gathered through questionnaires, surveys, or web analytics. Formative research occurs before any designing begins, while summative research takes place after a design is implemented to assess its success.
Consider how many websites and apps are continuously updated or fixed based on user feedback. This iterative process demonstrates that research-driven design is essential and effective.
So if you want to know your audience and how best to captivate them, DO YOUR RESEARCH!